fredag 20. desember 2024

Norge fremmet resolusjon mot Israel i FN

Spørsmålet er om resolusjonsforslaget mot Israel samtidig er taktisk for å styrke en bestemt persons fremtidige jobbsøknad i FN-systemet? Tiden vil vise. 

Det blir alltid flertall for en resolusjon mot Israel i FN

137 medlemsland stemte for en resolusjon mot Israel i favør av terrorstemplede UNRWA. Resolusjonen ble fremmet av Norge på vegne av den anti-Israelske norske venstresiden. Detaljene i resolusjonen er smurt ut i den norske Stürmer-pressen og synes å være en blåkopi av tidligere anklager i venstrepressen mot den jødiske staten. 

Utenriksministeren sitter i NRK-studioet og oser av stolthet over hvilken "stor diplomatisk seier" dette er. Det er bare den hake at alle land som fremmer en resolusjon mot Israel i FN får flertall og vinner "en stor diplomatisk seier", og får en etterlengtet anerkjennende klapp på skulderen av djevelen.

I FNs historie er det fremmet flere resolusjoner mot lilleputtstaten Israel enn resten av verden til sammen. 

Sjefen for UNRWA uttrykker stor glede over at Norge fikk klart flertall for resolusjonsforslaget mot Israel. 

At UNRWA-ansatte deltok i massakren 7. oktober samtidig som rundt 3000 UNRWA-"lærere" feiret og oppfordret til drap live på Telegram er omtrent helt fortiet eller bagatellisert av venstresiden.

Norges støtteerklæring i og med resolusjonen i jødehaterorganisasjonen UNRWAs favør gir klare anti-semittiske assosiasjoner.


Profetiene: Jesu fødsel og Betlehemstjernen

Res Gestæ Divi Augusti

Jesu siste påskeuke, og dato for når Jesus døde på...

Tidsavstand fra Golgata år 34 e.Kr. frem til Antik...

De helliges blod og Jesu vitners blod

fredag 29. november 2024

Putins ubevegelige hånd

Det har blitt slått opp i mediene at den russiske diktatoren Vladimir Putins ene hånd ofte ligger helt urørlig som limt til bordet når han snakker. Mediene presenterer en mengde spekulasjoner på hva dette kan bety.

Nettsiden Profetiene har forklaringen 

At Putin lar den ene hånden - av og til begge - ligge urørlig på bordet mens han snakker er et innøvd triks han har lært av å studere en helt bestemt person som KGB i alle år har hatt den største beundring for: Reinhard Heydrich, tysk offiser i Schutzstaffel (SS) og sjef for Reichssicherheitshauptamt inkludert Gestapo. Heydrich var en av hovedmennene bak Holocaust og mannen som lurte Josef Stalin til å henrette store deler av sitt eget offiserskorps.

Heydrich lot den ene hånden ligge urørlig på bordet når han ble intervjuet; et kroppsspråk som uttrykker kaldblodig beregning og upåvirkelighet; egnet til å skape frykt, "at her står en overfor et virkelig monster".

Putins urørlige hånd avslører to ting:

Putin har Reinhard Heydrich som sitt store idol.

Putin er en skuespiller.


fredag 22. november 2024

Hvis du vil lære om satanisme ta en nærmer titt på FN; glem Black Metal.

ICC"International Criminal Court", er bare enda en antisemittisk organisasjon tilknyttet FNs Sikkerhetsråd. Israels utslettelse er målet for alle disse.

ICC har utstedt arrestordre på Israels statsminister Benjamin Netanyahu samt en død Hamas leder. Hadde Hamaslederen vært i live ville det ikke blitt utstedt noen arrestordre på ham; ICC har nemlig - i likhet med en rekke FN-organisasjoner - blitt forelsket i Hamas etter 7. oktober massakren i Israel. Og det er dyptfølt og ekte; ikke som i en såpeopera.

En forelskelse som deles av den norske stürmer-pressen og en venstreside som koker av forakt for Israel og alt om smaker av zionisme, dvs. jødisk. 

Det var få på venstresiden som protesterte da sosialisten Lula da Silva i fullt alvor hevdet at Israel hadde drept 12,3 millioner barn på Gaza. Det er som kjent et gammelt antisemittisk triks å fremstille jødene som barnemordere.

Brasils statsminister Lula da Silva er elsket og dullet med av Det norske Arbeiderpartiet som øser "regnskogsmilliarder" over krapylet. Lula er nok en statsleder på venstresiden som sovner med "Norway" på leppene.

Pressen liker store tall, særlig store dødstall på Gaza om de er aldri så falske. Redaktørene vet at størrelsen på overskriftene bestemmer hva leseren oppfatter som sant. 

Venstrepressen ser ingen grunn til ikke å slå opp de fabrikkerte dødstallene fra terrorunionen Hamas & UNRWA på drepte barn og kvinner på Gaza, slik at verden kan se "hva jødepakket holder på med", nei, slik våger de ikke helt å skrive, enda, 

FN-flertallet - som ønsker Israel slettet av kartet og jødene utryddet - går god for absolutt alt som kan diskreditere Israel.

Profetiene om Israel går i oppfyllelse foran alles øyne

Bibelen har sagt det på forhånd; hele verden kommer til å gå imot Israel. Men Israel vil bestå.  

Sakarias 8:8 .. og jeg lar dem komme hit, og de skal bo i Jerusalem, og de skal være mitt folk, og jeg vil være deres Gud i sannhet og rettferdighet. 

Ta fram Bibelen, blås støvet av den; den tilbyr deg evig liv ved Jesu fullbrakte stedfortredende lovoppfyllelse og død i ditt sted; en soning for all din synd. Ta til deg av Guds Ord; de margfulle retter. Gå for all del ikke ufrelst ut av denne verden! 

Denne verden er en tapt sak. Kom deg i sikkerhet og din fremtidsdag er lys og lang.

Og det er alt av nåde.

Unngå å få en dødsannonse med elghode i stedet for kors.


søndag 10. november 2024

2024 valget i USA avslører demokratenes valgfusk i 2020

Djevelen kontrollerer som kjent store deler av media, noe som i våre dager er særlig synlig ikke minst i NRK & Hamas' nyhetsformidling fra Midtøsten der det er om å gjøre å sverte og diskreditere Israel over en lav sko. 

Men la oss ta en titt på hva som dukket opp som statistikkmat etter valget i USA.

2024 valget 

Kamala Harris: 70,979,779      

Donald Trump: 74,708,357

             Totalt: 145,688,357

2020 valget

Joe Biden:        81,283,098 (Høyeste antall noensinne, 11 mill. flere enn Obama (?))

Donald Trump: 74,222,958 (omtrent samme som ved 2024 valget, naturlig avvik)

              Totalt: 155,506,056

9, 817 millioner stemmer til demokratene er som forsvunnet i luften siden Biden "vant" uten å føre reell valgkamp i 2020?

Det burde ikke lenger herske tvil om at valget i 2020 var trikset. En ser også at Biden stort sett vant stater der det ikke var legitimasjonsplikt når en avla stemme, blant annet California.

Tar vi oss friheten til å trekke fra "luft-tallet" som er avslørt ved årets valg, ser vi at Biden i 2020 egentlig bare fikk omkring 71 millioner stemmer, og tapte klart valget.

Dersom en ikke legger fusk til grunn er det ikke mulig å forklare hvordan Biden i 2020 vant det laveste antall valgkretser i USAs historie samtidig som han fikk flest stemmer i USAs historie.

Alt har skurret når det gjelder Joe Bidens all time high historiske seier i 2020.

Men ikke nå lenger. 

Tallene taler for seg selv og viser at Donald Trump, like ham eller ikke, faktisk har vunnet tre Presidentvalg og er med det historisk også her.

Det kan tilføyes at Kamala Harris fikk liten konkurranse ved valget til demokratenes presidentkandidat. Antageligvis er det en utbredt oppfatning også blant demokratene at "det var noe rart med" valget i 2020, og at det: siden det denne gang ikke bare var postvalg som i 2020 på grunn av fakepandemien, ville bli umulig å gjenta trikset. 

De fleste opplagte demokratiske kandidater valgte å trekke seg fra det de ante ville bli et fiaskovalg for demokratene. De ville ikke risikere en så stor ripe i den demokratiske lakken og slang i stedet ut stakkars Kamala (you're fired!).

At Kamala Harris valgte retten til abort helt fram til fødsel som hovedsak i valget viser hvor omtåket hennes rådgivere var: 

Skynd deg! Fødselen er i gang! Vil du ha abort eller ikke?


FNs latterlige «bærekraftsmål»

torsdag 29. august 2024

Et utvalg litt eldre artikler på nettsiden Profetiene

Navnet Jakob, betydning

Betlehemsstjernen år 7 f.Kr.

Dietrich Eckart om Hitlers pisk
Goebbelsbarna ofres
Dietrich Eckart
Nazismen, en asketisk bevegelse
Homofile måtte bære rosa trekant
Himmlers nevø skutt for homofili
Det antikristlige rike, varighet
Blir det nytt tempel i Jerusalem?
Hva med jødene i Amerika i endetiden?
Jødene vender tilbake til Israel
Menigheten i de siste dager
Dyrets merke - endetiden
Dyrets tall - endetiden
I de siste tider
Paulus' tidslinje, hovedpunkter
15. september år 7 før Kristus
Endetiden, teknologisk posisjonering
Endetiden i perspektiv
Stauffenberg og Antikrist
Robert Oppenheimer
Notater om Mussolini
Karl Dönitz, Hitlers etterfølger
Den profeterte munnen som talte
Goebbels, "Bukken fra Babelsberg"
Wannseekonferansens Martin Luther
Daniel 7:7 og åpenbaringen 13:1
Porcius Festus, Paulus' anke til keiseren
Lovløshetens hemmelighet
Det kommende kontantsløse samfunn
Kropp som en leopard
Jødene fordrives til Israel
Antikrist, en politisk taler
Profetier om Holocaust
Uttrykket PC
De seks «eple-assosiasjoner»
Jødenes utvandring fra Amerika (?)
Eduard Dietl om norske kvinner
Heydrich «Den blonde Moses»
Det nye tempelet i Jerusalem ?
Martin Luthers beryktede pamfletter
Antiokus IV EpifanesEva Braun
Fristedet i ødemarken
Hitler og pressekorpset
Leni Riefenstahl
Romas brann i år 64, kristne får skylden
Byen Pella som menigheten flyktet til
Jesu fødsel og BetlehemsstjernenIsraels 12 stammer
Avkristningen av Norge
Varusslaget i Teutoburgskogen
Hvorfor alkoholbruken går ned hos ungeKarl den stores kroning i år 800
Om nettsiden P r o f e t i e n e
Varus eller Kvirinius omtalt på Lapis Tibertinus?
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Når ble Jesus døpt i Jordan ?
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Tyskland dødelig såret
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Det Babylon som går under
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Charles Babbage og Ada Lovelace
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Colosseums åpning i år 79, andre åpning i år 80
Utbrudd av 1. verdenskrig
Den romerske provinsen Iudea
FN, offisiell åpning 24. oktober 1945
Navnet Roma
"Nacht und Nebel" forordningen
95 teser på døren til kirken i Wittenberg
Jerusalems fall i år 70
Jesus som 12 år i tempelet
Navnet Moses
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fredag 16. august 2024

Tostatsløsningen er død; kniven ble vridd om 7. oktober 2023

Etter første verdenskrig ble det i 1920 i San Remo-konferansen i Italia gjort avtaler (internasjonal lov) som la det historiske grunnlag for en rekke nye arabiske stater i Midtøsten, men også en jødisk. Avtalen fra 1920 ble bekreftet i 1922 av Folkeforbundet som senere overførte alle sine målsettinger til de Forente Nasjoner. 

Araberne fikk etter hvert tildelt mange millioner kvadratkilometer land, Israel ble tildelt noen få titusen. Selv om jødene ble avspist med en lilleputtstat var det likevel for mye for araberne som støttet av vestens sosialdemokratiske bevegelse ivrer for at staten Israel skal utraderes fra kartet og jødene bli kastet på Middelhavet. 

I kapittel 12, artikkel 80 i FN-avtalen garanteres jødene alle rettigheter som tilhører dem i overenstemmelse med Palestinamandatet. I følge denne bestemmelse som er internasjonal rett får jødiske rettigheter til Israels land ikke endres på noen måte.

1948, seks araberland går til krig mot Israel

Straks Israel ble erklært i 1948 gikk Jordan (opprettet i 1946) og fem andre araberstater til angrep på den militært svake nye jødiske staten og okkuperte Øst-Jerusalem, Judea og Samaria samt Gaza. Dette er områder Israel ble tildelt i palestinamandatet i 1922 og som er internasjonale rett. 

Områdene Judea og Samaria ble omdøpt til "Vestbredden" og av det internasjonale samfunn og regnet som Vest-Jordan, altså området på vestsiden av Jordan elven. Den Jordanske okkupasjonen hadde ingen rettslig grunn.

Den Jordanske administrasjonen av Vestbredden begynte 24. april 1950. I den perioden Jordan okkuperte Vestbredden og Øst Jerusalem var det aldri snakk om å etablere en palestinsk stat i området, innbyggerne var å anse som jordanere og  hadde Jordansk pass.

Betegnelsen palestiner

Betegnelsen palestiner ble frem til 1967 omtrent bare brukt om jødene. Arabere som ble kalt palestinere så på det som en grov fornærmelse og svarte stolt at de ikke var palestinere; det var jødene som var palestinerne. Araberne i området betegnet seg som Jordanere, Egyptere eller Syria-arabere. 

Det var egypteren og jødehateren Yasir Arafat som etter krigen i 1967 kom på smartnessen med å omdøpe araberne i området til palestinere: "Da vil hele verden tro at området egentlig tilhører dere, siden området heter Palestina på gamle kart."

Jordan angrep Israel i juni 1967, tapte angrepskrigen og mistet Vestbredden og Øst-Jerusalem til Israel. Disse områdene kommer aldri til å bli gitt tilbake til Jordan, eller til en oppkonstruert arabisk pressgruppe.

Da Jordan i juni 1967 gikk til feigt angrep på Israel mens Israel kjempet mot Egypt, ble Jordan grundig banket militært av Israel som gjenerobret Samaria og Judea, samt fikk kontroll over Øst-Jerusalem. 

Jordan frasa seg alle krav på områdene i 1988. 

Israels største fiende, FN, stilte seg helt på arabernes side og oppfordret Israel i resolusjon 242 til å trekke seg tilbake fra alle områder Israel hadde gjenerobret i Seksdagerskrigen. Noe Israel ville gå med på dersom de arabiske nabostatene anerkjente Israels eksistens. Men araberstatene gikk ikke med på avtalen og svarte med de tre nei.

De tre nei

Nei til å forhandle med Israel. 

Nei til å slutte fred med Israel. 

Nei til å anerkjenne Israel.

Derfor har Israel den rettmessige kontroll over områdene.

Israel kan ikke okkupere sitt eget land

Å hevde at Judea og Samaria er ulovlig okkupert er historieforfalskning. Det fins ikke et mer rettferdig gjenerobret området enn Judea og Samaria; Israel hadde fått tildelt området i henhold til Palestinamandatet i 1922, ble fratatt det i en angrepskrig 1948 og gjenvant det etter nok en gang å ha bli angrepet av okkupanten Jordan i 1967. 

De som hevder at dette området er "ulovlig okkupert" av Israel med henvisning til en karikatur av en folkerett er en fiende av staten Israel og jødene og bedriver aktiv historieforfalskning. 

Dette gjelder hele den muslimske verden i tospann med en samlet venstreside som også har lagt USA for hat fordi USA støtter Israel. 

Disse presser på gjennom FN for å opprette et sharia kalifat; en kvinneundertrykkende palestinsk jødehater-stat inne i Israel.

En stat de - i likhet med den Arabiske Liga - tror vil fungere som et dødelig instrument; et sharia kalifat inne i Israel som de kan støtte militært for endelig å få has på Israel.

Arbeiderpartiet og hele den anti-Israelske venstresiden i Norge nekter å innse den realitet at det aldri kommer til å bli opprettet en såkalt Palestinsk stat inne i Israel.  At "kappe-land-leken" med Israel faktisk er over. 

Den sataniske "tostatsløsningen" er død.

Kniven ble vridd om 7. oktober 2023.


  • Apple computer Inc. grunnlegges
  • Tyskland dødelig såret
  • Den sorte torsdag, Wall Street krakket 1929
  • Det Babylon som går under
  • Keiser Domitians forfølgelse av menigheten
  • Konrad Zuse
  • Charles Babbage og Ada Lovelace
  • Tabell for riktig Golgata-dato
  • lørdag 1. juni 2024

    20 år siden revitalisering av Hitlers røykelov

    Røyking har gått opp i Israel i kjølvannet av syvende oktober. Dr. Yael Bar-Zeev ved Hebrew University of Jerusalem sier at data viser at overalt i verden hvor konflikter fører til mentale helsekriser fører dette også til økt forbruk av tobakk. 

    Les eldre artikkel på Profetiene om røykelovens far:

    Hitler, røykelovens far


    fredag 24. mai 2024

    Norge anerkjenner uten vilkår Palestina som en stat

    Vi trodde vi var kvitt Gauleitere og Sturmbannführere, men nå marsjerer venstresiden igjen.

    At Arbeiderpartiet og resten av venstresiden i Norge anerkjenner en såkalt Palestinsk stat uten vilkår betyr anerkjennelse av en stat som fratar kvinner alle rettigheter, henretter homofile og er programforpliktet til å drepe alle jøder. Denne terrorstaten skal liksom ligge innenfor det Arbeiderpartiet omtaler som grensene før 4. juni 1967 (før Seksdagerskrigen), altså de områder som ble okkupert av Jordan i 1950. 

    Med dette holder det anti-israelske Arbeiderpartiet fast på konspirasjonsteorien om at Seksdagerskrigen var en Israelsk angrepskrig for å erobre land, en krig der Israel angrep Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Irak, Marokko, Algerie, Tunisia, Saudi-Arabia, Sudan og indirekte Sovjetunionen siden disse land var støttet av Sovjetunionen. 

    Sannheten er at Israel ble tvunget til å forsvare seg da krigshisseren Nasser stengte Tiranastredet for forsyninger, erklærte død over alle jøder og kjørte enorme mengder tanks mot Israels grense. 

    Seksdagerskrigen var en Israels forsvarskrig der Israel vant over en enorm overmakt, noe muslimene, FN og den jødefiendtlige venstresiden aldri har kommet over. Derfor har Israel i henhold til internasjonal rett krav på alle områder Israel erobret under denne krigen. Senere ga Israel generøst tilbake hele Sinaihalvøya til Egypt. 

    At Israel angrep "hele araberverden" i Seksdagerskrigen slik Arbeiderpartiet og verdens jødehatere fremstiller det er en bløff skapt for å stemple Israel som ulovlig okkupant. Denne bløffen blir blant annet opprettholdt av venstresidens propagandaverk, Store Norske Leksikon.  

    En palestinsk stat vil ikke være noe annet enn et Hamastan, et sharia kalifat vegg i vegg med Israel og som Norge og Vesten kan støtte økonomisk og militært i kampen mot "apartheidstaten Israel", noe Norge lenge har gjort indirekte ved milliardoverføringer til terrorunionen UNRWA & Hamas.

    Som en kontrast vil Norge derimot ikke anerkjenne en høyteknologisk velfungerende demokratisk stat som Taiwan, men gir servilt sin tilslutning til diktaturstaten Kinas Taiwan propaganda. Taiwan får ikke engang tildelt observatørstatus i WHO. I motsetning til hva mange tror har Taiwan aldri vært en del av Folkerepublikken Kina.

    Det går en rød tråd fra jødeparagrafen i Grunnloven av 1814, via de sosialistiske jødehaterne Vidkun Quisling og Johan Nygaardsvold til rettsoppgjøret etter krigen som i stor grad fokuserte på såkalte "tyskertøser" - og ikke nordmenn som hadde overgitt nordmenn med jødiske aner til fienden - og videre fram til dagens Israel-fiendtlige norske venstreside med Arbeiderpartiet i spissen. 

    Venstresiden blir visst aldri lei av å "stalke" jøden; å leke "Kappe Land Leken" med jødene.  

    Noen såkalt "tostatsløsning" innenfor grensene til dagens bittelille Israel blir aldri realisert. De såkalte palestinerne fikk sin stat i 1946, den heter Jordan.


    tirsdag 16. april 2024

    Paul's Timeline

    Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles, was born in Tarsus, one of the oldest cities in Cilicia, in the southeastern part of present-day Turkey. His father was of the tribe of Benjamin and a Roman citizen, and - according to St. Jerome - came originally from Giskala in the north of Galilee.

    One theory is that Paul's family fled to Cilicia during the rebellion that broke out in the wake of Herod the Great's death in March, 4 BC. 

    According to Josephus there was a lunar eclipse the night Herod died. It's astronomically confirmed that a lunar eclipse took place in Judea the night between March 12 and 13 the year 4 BC. 

    The Roman governor and general, Varus, put down the rebellion and had nearly 2,000 Pharisees crucified along the road between Jerusalem and Damascus.

    A likely explanation for how Paul's family was given Roman citizenship

    When the famous philosopher Athenodorus (teacher of Emperor Augustus), who was born in Tarsus (year 74 BC, died year 7 AD), in his older days was commissioned by Emperor Augustus to put things in order in his hometown economy in shambles, he revised the city's civil rolls and had it implemented that only the more wealthy and those from old, finer families received Tarsian citizenship - which automatically gave them Roman citizenship.

    With this documented event as a backdrop, it is obvious that Paul came from a wealthy family since his family was granted Tarsian citizenship and thereby also Roman citizenship. In Acts 21:39, Paul himself indicates that he is both a Roman citizen and a citizen of the city of Tarsus in Cilicia.

    Sent as a youth to Jerusalem

    Based on information in the scriptures, we know that Paul was brought up in a strict Pharisaic tradition: Acts 23,6; “…Brothers, I am a Pharisee from a family of Pharisees!”

    He must have been sent to Jerusalem quite young as studies of the oral Torah usually began at the age of ten ("lived among my people from my youth." Acts 26,4).

    Paul was probably lodged with a sister who one assumes was married and living in Jerusalem. Scripture gives information about her son (Acts 23:16).

    Paul had two names

    Born into a Jewish family with Roman citizenship, according to tradition, Paul had two names already from childhood, his Hebrew name was Saul. Paulus (Paul) was his Roman name.

    The meaning of the name Paul is "small", but can also be understood as "humble". That Paul was possibly small in stature and for that reason given the name Paulus is a myth. Paul was given the name as a small child, at the same time as he was given the Hebrew name Saul (= "asked for"), i.e. long before anyone knew anything about his physical size as an adult.

    The meaning of the name Saul, asked for, may allude to the fact that the family had strongly prayed for a son, that Paul's parents possibly had a daughter - or daughters from before.

    Paul's language

    Paul's mother tongue was Aramaic and Greek. And he probably knew some Latin.

    In addition, he mastered Hebrew - the holy language, which one had to know as a disciple of a Pharisee.

    The famous Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned as Paul's teacher.

    According to a rabbinic tradition, Gamaliel dealt especially with divorce law.

    Paul's profession

    Tradition dictated that one should be able to practice a practical profession. Paul was a tentmaker

    (Acts 18:3). A tentmaker mastered sewing various kinds of seams, but also had to be able to weave. The materials were, among other things, fabric lengths of camel or goat hair. Lengths that were sewn together for tents and other things. Paul's hometown, Tarsus, was particularly famous for the production of linen fabric*, which was also used in tent production.

    *The flax plant is annual. Different varieties of the species have been refined over the millennia to produce fibres, so-called spinnellin, for use in textiles, rope and straw. The flax plant is also used to produce oil. Eventually, linen was often replaced with cotton.

    When was Paul born?

    Paul was probably the same age as Jesus' youngest disciples, around 15-20 years younger than Jesus. Peter was probably four or five years older than Paul.

    We know that Jesus was born in the year 7 "before Christ", at the same time as the great Roman census in the year 8/7 which is thoroughly documented under §8 in Emperor Augustus' epitaph: Res Gestæ Divi Augusti.

    Based on the designation "young man" about Paulus at the stoning of Stephen, we can place his birth at around 15 AD.

    Jesus was crucified on Friday 23 April in the year 34 (15 Nisan) and was then 40 years old. The Daniel prophecies about the seventy weeks (of years), which include the entire salvation work of Jesus, expire in the same year (in springtime).

    The stoning of Stephen probably takes place in the year 35. Paul is present "as a young man" at the lynching (Acts 7:58).

    Estimated age of Paulus at the stoning of Stephen, 20 years at the most.

    This was at a time when you could be married as a 14-year-old and a person in their 40s was characterized as "old", or in old age, a characteristic which among other things is given to Zacharias, father of John the Baptist (Luk.1:18), while he was still doing temple service, and consequently had not passed fifty years.

    Numbers 4:23 From thirty years old and upward until fifty years old you shall number them; all who shall enter the service and do work at the tent of meeting.

    Was Paul ever married?

    The question of whether Paul was married, or a widower, has arisen in connection with Paul referring to himself as a Pharisee, and then based on the understanding that a Pharisee must actually be married. Now this does not entail correctness, one did not have to be married to be a Pharisee, although it was indeed recommended that a disciple of a Pharisee wait to marry until the age of eighteen. In contrast, one had to be married to become a member of the high council, the Sanhedrin. Paul is nowhere mentioned as a member of the high council.

    When was Paul converted?

    The scriptures are clear that in the time after Stephen's martyrdom, Paul became an active persecutor of the church, and that his involvement in this activity must have continued for some time.

    It is likely that his conversion took place around the year 37 AD, and that Paul had then been an active persecutor of the church for one and a half to two years when he was converted on the road to Damascus.

    After his conversion, Paul goes to Arabia for a short time before he begins to preach in the synagogues in Damascus (Gal.1,17).

    Was three years in Damascus and preached in the synagogues (Gal.1,18 and Acts 9,20).

    How long was Paul in Arabia?

    Paul was probably in Arabia for a very short time. The Nabatean area close to Damascus was called Arabia. That Paul uses the term "Arabia" probably alludes to the fact that he left the city of Damascus and stayed for a period in a nearby area "to sum up" after the great salvation experience.

    The preaching that goes on that Paul spent three years in prayer in Arabia is based on a guesswork that messes up the chronology so that nothing is right. Moreover, such "hermitic egocentrism" has little to do with the person Paul as he appears in the scriptures.

    The wording in Acts 9:20 indicates that Paul fairly shortly after his conversion - after a short stay in Arabia - began to preach in the synagogues in Damascus, and that this preaching work in Damascus lasted for a period of three years, which corresponds to the chronology in Gal. 1:17 a.m.

    Luke and the Acts of the Apostles

    Just to briefly say something about a relationship that has confused biblical history: Paul's biography in the Acts of the Apostles sometimes does not agree with Paul's own account inGalatians and 2 Corinthians.

    In the introduction to the Gospel of Luke, Luke specifies that he is meticulous, someone who thoroughly checks the source material, etc.

    Clearly, the Acts of the Apostles was completed by someone other than Luke, and probably after Luke's death, but largely based on Luke's notes. Which may also explain the abrupt ending of the Acts of the Apostles.

    However, the theory that Luke died before completing the Acts of the Apostles etc. is a "solo theory" by this interpreter.

    It should be specified that the biographical differences in the Acts of the Apostles versus the Book of Galatians and 2 Corinthians do not have the slightest significance for the evangelical content.

    A fairly precisely timed event

    2 Cor.11:32 In Damascus the governor of King Aretas kept watch over the Damascus city to seize me. 33 But I was brought down in a basket from an opening in the city wall and escaped from his hands.

    An archaeological theory is that the hatch Paulus was dragged down from was a toilet hatch. In that case, an unflattering experience for Paulus.

    In the year 37, following the death of Emperor Tiberius (March 16), King Aretas took control of Damascus. King Aretas dies in the year 40. The event where Paul escapes from Damascus could therefore not have happened after the year 40, the year in which King Aretas died.

    Based on the chronology the writing itself gives, it is fairly certain that the flight from Damascus took place in the year 40, the same year that King Aretas died.

    Aretas IV Filopatris, king of the Nabateans from c. year 9 BC to year 40 AD Parts of his kingdom were named Arabia. Among other things, the city of Petra (formerly Selah) and areas of today's Jordan were under the Nabatean kingdom.

    Aretas' daughter, Phasaelis, was married to Herod Antipas.

    Herod, who was also married to his niece Herodias, divorced Phasaelis in the year 36 AD. History does not say anything about how many wives or so-called concubines Herod Antipas had, but it is clear that polygamy was no stranger to the Herodes family.

    Herod Antipas' father, Herod the Great, had had ten wives, though not all at the same time. It may be mentioned that when the Romans prohibited polygamy in the Roman Empire by law in 212 AD, the Jews were exempted from this law.

    Phasaelis went back to his father's court after the divorce. This episode led to war between Herod and Aretas. The marriage between Herod and Areta's daughter had probably been a "political marriage", to strengthen an alliance. Which was very common.

    In his time, John the Baptist vehemently criticized the immoral relationship Herod Antipas had with Herodias, who was even Herod's uncle, and who was also his half-brother Phillips' wife. However, the Philip who was married to Herodias is not the same person as the tetrarch Philip mentioned in Luke 3:1, but another brother with the same name who lived in Rome. The criticism led to John the Baptist being imprisoned and beheaded.Herod Antipas eventually fell out of favor with the Romans and was exiled to Spain where he is said to have died around the year 39.

    Paul's first meeting with Peter

    The first meeting with Peter took place in Jerusalem around the year 40, three years after Paul's conversion (Gal 1:18). Paulus is at this time approx. 25 years. In this connection, Paul also visits James, one of Jesus' brothers. He does not visit the other disciples. Paul indicates that the visit with Peter lasted 15 days (Gal 1:18).

    Paul and Barnabas in Antioch in Syria

    After the meeting with Peter and James, Paul goes to Tarsus, to his family, and stays there until he is brought out by Barnabas in connection with a revival that had broken out in Antioch in Syria. For a whole year they were together there and taught a large crowd. It was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26).

    The revival in Antioch was a direct result of the stoning of Stephen five or six years earlier, which led to a persecution where parts of the congregation were chased from Jerusalem and preached the gospel over large parts of the region. Equally to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch (Acts 11:19).

    The meeting of the apostles in Jerusalem and the assumed length of the missionary journeys

    From Galatians chapter 2 verse 1, it can be understood that the meeting of the Apostles in Jerusalem took place 14 years after the first meeting with Peter, but this interpreter independently came to the conclusion that the meaning should be 14 years after Paul's conversion, - something also the Norwegian Professor D.A. Frøvig claims in his Galatians interpretation. In this sense, the meeting of the apostles in Jerusalem takes place approx. year 51, immediately before Paul's second missionary journey. 

    According to this interpreter's chronology, Paul's first missionary journey is of longer duration than is usually recorded.

    This was groundbreaking work: There were large distances to be covered - on foot, in often rough and tortuous terrain. They had to earn a living along the way. And a lot of time must have been spent preparing the sermon for Jews and proselytes in the various synagogues they came to.

    The purpose of the mission trip was to win people for the Way and to plant churches. Which was successful, several congregations are founded during Paul and Barnaby's first missionary journey. In particular, the new congregations in Lystra, Iconium and in Antioch in Pisidian (located 1000 meters above sea level, a city not to be confused with Antioch in Syria) are highlighted.

    Everything indicates that this must have taken a long time.

    In the Acts of the Apostles, the missionary journeys are presented very condensed, as a summary of highlights.

    Paul's missionary journeys (approximate years)

    Paul's first missionary journey

    Between the year 46 and the year 50: Paul's first missionary journey which went to Cyprus and Asia Minor. Paul brings with him Barnabas, who was born in Cyprus, and whom he had met in connection with the revival in Antioch in Syria around the year 42. Among other things, they came to the city of Antioch in Pisidian (eg Galatia), a city located 1000 meters over the sea. The city was a Roman colony and mainly populated by retired legionnaires (former soldiers). As a Roman colonial city, it enjoyed a number of privileges.

    The city also had a Jewish contingent and a synagogue.

    It was in this small mountain town that Paul's famous statement to the Jews fell: "It was necessary that the word of God should first be spoken to you, but since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles."

    The stay ended with the local Jews conspiring against Paul and Barnabas and ensuring that they were "chased" as heretics out of the city. But it was too late to stop the gospel, it had already take root and borne fruit.

    Now the journey went on to another city, Iconium, where they were also going to be chased with threats of stoning. From there Paul and Barnabas fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and preached the gospel there. In Lystra Paulus was stoned and when they thought he was dead he was thrown outside the city wall where his friends circled around him. But Paul was not dead, he was soon on his feet again. In Derbe, Paul and Barnabas were allowed to preach the gospel without anyone conspiring against them.

    Paul's second missionary journey

    About. year 51 to year 54 AD, Paul's second missionary journey which went to Asia Minor, Macedonia and Greece. Paul has Silas with him. Later, Timothy and Luke join. After a while, Paul said to Barnabas: "Let us go back and visit our brothers in all the cities where we have preached the word of the Lord, to see how they are doing" (Acts 15:36).

    The second missionary journey began somewhat turbulently when Barnabas wanted to take John - also called "Mark" with him, but Paul thought it was not wise to take the young Mark with him because on the first missionary journey he had already left them in Pamphylia, the first area they came to after Cilicia, and did not join them in the work. In other words, Paul perceived Mark as unreliable.

    The disagreement about Mark led to an exchange of words between Paul and Barnabas, so strong that they parted ways. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed to Cyprus. Paul instead chose Silas as a companion on the second missionary journey (Acts 15:37-40).

    It is not reported that Paul and Barnabas ever traveled together again, but the friendship endured and Paul speaks warmly of Barnabas. Later, Mark joins Paul during the period he is in custody in Rome (Col 4:10, 2 Tim 4:11).

    In the second missionary journey, Paul first traveled overland, through Syria and Cilicia, to visit and strengthen the churches there. In Lystra Timothy joined them (Acts 16:1-5). From Lystra they went north through Phrygia and Galatia (Acts 16:6).

    Paul remained for some time in Galatia due to an unspecified illness (malaria has been speculated). From Galatia, Paul intended to travel northeast through Bithynia, an area on the coast of the Black Sea, but when they tried to reach Bithynia they were denied it by the Holy Spirit.

    Instead, they traveled around Mysia and went down to Troas (Acts 16:7-8).

    Troas was located on the coast of the Aegean Sea. They then set out from Troas and headed straight for Samothrace, and the next day for Neapolis (Acts 16:11). One sees how the Spirit of the Lord directed Paul, Silas and Timothy westward - away from Asia, completely contrary to Paul's plans. Instead, they headed in the direction of Macedonia and Greece.

    In Troas, Paul had a night vision in which a man from Macedonia begged him: "Come over to Macedonia and help us" (Acts 16:9). Paul realized that the vision was a message from the Lord. The very next day he had sailed across the Dardanelles (Hellespont), the strait that separated him from Europe.

    In Macedonia, congregations were established in Philippi (Acts 16:11-39), Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9) and Berea (Acts 17:10-15).

    Nor did this second missionary journey proceed without strife. Paul and Silas were often contradicted by those who refused to believe. Once they were even thrown into prison for casting a spirit of divination out of a slave girl (Acts 16:16-40).

    Disputes were never far away. To save him from imminent danger in Berea, the brothers sent Paul out to the coast and on to Athens. Silas and Timoteus remained in Berea.

    The men who brought Paul to Athens returned with orders from Paul to Silas and Timothy to join him as soon as possible (Acts 17:14-15).

    It was while waiting for Silas and Timothy to arrive in Athens that Paul gave his famous speech at Areapogas (Acts 17:22). The speech is given to Luke who retold it in Acts 17:22-34.

    From Athens, Paul traveled on to Corinth, capital of the province of Achaia and seat of the Roman governor of the region. When Paul came to the coastal city of Corinth, Gallio, brother of Seneca, was proconsul in the city. In Corinth, Paul gets to know some professional colleagues and fellow believers, the tentmakers Aquila and Priscilla. Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half and preached the gospel to Jews and Greeks with great success. On the return trip, Paul traveled with Aquila and Priscilla to Ephesus.

    Not long after, Apollos traveled from Ephesus to Corinth, urged by Aquila and Priscilla. Apollos was a Jew born in Alexandria. He had great knowledge of the scriptures and great gifts of speech.

    From Ephesus, Paul sailed around Rhodes and Cyprus to Cæcarea. From there he went up to Jerusalem and greeted the congregation. He then went to Antioch in Syria and stayed there for about a year before starting the third missionary journey.

    Paul's third missionary journey

    Year 55 to year 58 (approx): Paul's third missionary journey which went to Ephesus, Macedonia and Greece.

    The first leg of the third missionary journey was made overland (in the upper districts of Acts 19:1) in Asia Minor, through regions such as Galatia and Phrygia, areas with cities such as Iconium and Paul's hometown of Tarsus, where he probably took the opportunity to visited his family. Eventually he came to Ephesus in Asia Minor where he stayed for about three years (Acts 19:1-41).

    Most of the time was concentrated on Ephesus where Paul, among other things, taught for 2 years at a school called Tyrannos' school.

    After his stay in Ephesus, Paul went to Macedonia. After traveling through Macedonia he came to Greece where he stayed for three months (Acts 20:1-3).

    While waiting to sail to Syria, Paul discovered a conspiracy against him, which caused him to go through Macedonia instead (Acts 20:3). He then came to Philippi during the Passover and stayed there during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. From Philippi he sailed over to Troas (Acts 20:6). Scripture states that Paul was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem - for the day of Pentecost (Acts 20:16).

    From Troas, Paul traveled about Assos, Mitylene, Chios, Samos (stayed at a place on the island called Trogillium) and Miletus (Acts 20:13-16).

    In Miletus, the elders from the church in Ephesus came to meet him one last time (Acts 20:17-38).

    After the meeting with the presbyters from Ephesus, Paul traveled through Kos, Rhodes, Patara, Cyprus. - Then to Syria where he arrived in the city of Tyre, where the ship was to unload its cargo. From Tire he sailed to Ptolemais. From there it continued on foot to Cæcarea.

    From Cæcarea, Paul went up to Jerusalem where he had much trouble in store.

    Paulus and Tyrannos' school

    An older additional letter to Acts 19:9 states that Paul taught in Tyrannus' school in Ephesus from the fifth to the tenth hour (11am-4pm). Paul probably rented a lecture hall in a private school named after the owner, Tyrannos.

    Between five and ten o'clock was allegedly the most affordable time of day to rent such a room.

    Based on the information the scriptures provide, it can be assumed that Paul himself paid the rent for the lecture hall with money he earned in the morning as a tent maker - and that he also paid maintenance for several of those he had around him (Acts 20:34).

    Acts 19, While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior and came to Ephesus. There he met some disciples 2 and asked them: "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" They answered, "We have not even heard that there is any Holy Spirit."

    3 "What kind of baptism were you baptized with then?" he asked. "John's baptism," they answered.

    4 Then Paul said: "John baptized with a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in him who came after him, that is Jesus.”

    5 After hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    6 And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them. They spoke in tongues, and they spoke prophetically. 7 There were about twelve men in all.

    8 He then went to the synagogue and spoke freely and openly there for three months. He held talks with people and convinced them about the things that have to do with the kingdom of God. 9 Some hardened themselves and would not believe, but spoke disparagingly of the Way while everyone was listening. Then Paul broke with them and kept the disciples away from them, and afterwards he taught every day in the school of Tyrannus.

    10 He continued with this for two years, so that all who lived in Asia could hear the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.

    Paul is imprisoned

    Year 58 (approx.)

    Riots break out in Jerusalem against Paul, who is accused of taking a gentile into an area of ​​the temple forbidden to gentiles. The reason was that some Jews from Asia Minor had seen Paul together with one Trophimus from Ephesus outside the city and thought that Paul had led him into the temple.

    Paul is imprisoned by the Roman commander in Jerusalem, Claudius Lysias, who ensures that Paul is sent away (in safety) from Jerusalem to the Roman procurator for Judea, Antonius Felix, who resided in Caesarea on the Mediterranean.

    Felix allows Paulus to sit in custody under relatively free conditions for two years.

    Year 60 (approx. according to coin finds)

    Felix is ​​replaced by Porcius Festus, who arranges for Paulus to present his case to King Agrippa II. Paul pleads his case before Herod Agrippa II (b. year 27 - d. c. 92) at Caesarea Maritima (Acts 25:13).

    When did Paul die?

    In church history, it is believed that Paul suffered martyrdom in the wake of pyromania accusations and reprisals against the congregation after the great city fire that broke out in Rome in July 64.

    Another version indicates that Paul should have continued his missionary activities and realized his plans to go to Spain (Rom.15:24).

    If Paulus died around the year 64, he was around 50 years old at his death.

    Paul's 13 letters:

     Letter to the Romans - First letter to the Corinthians - Second letter to the Corinthians - Letter to the Galatians - Letter to the Ephesians - Letter to the Philippians - Letter to the Colossians - First letter to the Thessalonians - Second letter to the Thessalonians - First letter to Timothy - second letter to Timothy - letter to Titus - letter to Philemon.

    Paul and the book of Hebrews

    When it comes to the letter to the Hebrews, there is great uncertainty as to whether it was possibly authored by Paul, therefore - as a rule - only the term "author of the letter to the Hebrews" is used when referring to the author.

    By Tertullian (ca.160 -225) the letter was referred to as "Barnabae titulus ad Hebraeos", hence the title Epistle to the Hebrews, but that it should have been authored by Barnabas as Tertullian claims, has little support today. Many have been suggested as the author of the letter. Martin Luther thought it could be authored by Paul's associate Apollos.

    How long was Paul in custody?

    There was a limit to how long a Roman citizen could be held in custody before the case was brought to court. If the case was not brought to court within two years, the case was dismissed and the defendant released.

    Paulus's case probably became obsolete and he was released according to the current rule.

    In the Roman Empire, prisons were used in connection with detention. Penalties consisted of the death penalty, banishment, confiscation of property etc., not serving time in a prison. The Romans had no concept of "imprisonment".

    If Paulus had been convicted, he would most likely have been sentenced to exile at that time. This takes place a few years before the great city fire in Rome that broke out in July 64, and the subsequent pyromania accusations against Christians.

    Based on 1 Timothy, it is indicated that Paul was released from custody, and continued in the mission.
